Hi, I'm Katya

Your partner in web design from the Alpine country. here is a "no tie" page so we can get to know each other better.
I am a certified mathematician with a huge passion for numbers, logic, structures and patterns. These are the things that attracted me to design. I love how by following the rules and seeing the patterns, you can create unique beauty. But I don't forget my roots either. my sites are logical and based on an analytical and rational approach.
Experience and career
I have been in design for over 2 years. I mostly work as a freelance designer, but I also occasionally collaborate with agencies (because if you want to go far, don't go alone). Before design, my career was about numbers, negotiations and drugs: I worked as an account manager in pharmacy chains. This experience has taught me how to build a working relationship and process in an efficient and comfortable way for all involved.
Eager to learn
Of course Alice was right. Development and expansion of horizons are the main components of success. Now I am taking several courses in parallel in different areas of design (poster layout, typography, motion design) in order to develop observation and master new techniques and skills. I also dive deeper into layout, ux design and language learning (I am actively studying English and learning French).
Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!
What do I do when I'm not developing websites
In 2019, I moved from Russia to Switzerland. It changed my life dramatically. Everything has changed: from the view from the window, to work and hobbies. I try to use every opportunity to enjoy the local nature and the location of Switzerland and spend time away from the monitor, so I :
read books
do yoga
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